Content creation Effective communication Uncategorized

Tear down those walls between SMEs and writers

The delicate relationship between subject-matter experts (SMEs) and writers is the stuff of legends. SMEs know the subject matter, which is often complex or highly technical, and writers know how to write. Or at least that’s the prevailing narrative. For copywriters and technical writers in corporate settings, SMEs are an important gatekeeper. They can often…

Content creation

7 must-read books for content strategists

As content strategists, we breathe, eat, and sleep content. It’s hard to escape our vocation as content creators and analysts when the world is saturated with content. However, sometimes we need to step outside the ring and look critically at the art and science of content strategy, gathering inspiration from a variety of sources (and…

Content creation Effective communication Leadership

Content strategy in 2021: What “human” means

Countless experts are weighing in on how brands must build a content strategy in this fragile age. They are largely in agreement that brand messaging must be “human” and “empathetic.” This notion shouldn’t be revolutionary, but somehow it is. Perhaps brand gurus are acknowledging that until now, the expression of their brand identity was canned,…

Content creation Language and ideas

7 strategies for defeating writer’s block

Writer’s block is real, and everyone has an opinion about it. Maybe that’s because even respected veteran writers battle it – to say nothing of the junior copywriter facing a deadline and a pissed-off manager. Potential solutions abound. But many of them boil down to personal accountability and initiative, and writer’s block strikes equally among…

Brand growth Content creation

Are blogs dead? 5 things to think about

Are blogs dead? The short answer is “no.” Like Paul McCartney in 1969, blogs are very much alive, and they have a long and fruitful life ahead of them. However, skeptics love to question the value of various digital platforms in turn, which has the added benefit of keeping us all on our toes. Blogs…

Content creation Effective communication Leadership

Jargon: The weapon that kills big ideas

The effort to communicate effectively is a double-edged sword. We want our peers and clients to share our enthusiasm for our ideas. But we often struggle to find the best way to convey them. Big words and complex concepts might make it seem as though we’re confident, capable, and important. But if people don’t understand…

Content creation

Creating great content in the 21st century

The nuts and bolts of producing great content—brainstorming, writing, editing, proofreading, and formatting, to say nothing of review and approval—rarely get the attention they deserve. Arguably, these steps are too far in the weeds for many who would rather focus on big ideas and finished products. Why is this the case? For starters, corporate culture…