Content creation Effective communication Leadership

Jargon: The weapon that kills big ideas

The effort to communicate effectively is a double-edged sword. We want our peers and clients to share our enthusiasm for our ideas. But we often struggle to find the best way to convey them. Big words and complex concepts might make it seem as though we’re confident, capable, and important. But if people don’t understand…

Content creation

Creating great content in the 21st century

The nuts and bolts of producing great content—brainstorming, writing, editing, proofreading, and formatting, to say nothing of review and approval—rarely get the attention they deserve. Arguably, these steps are too far in the weeds for many who would rather focus on big ideas and finished products. Why is this the case? For starters, corporate culture…

Corporate storytelling

Your brand story, in real time

As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, it is clearer than ever that your brand story is the key to success amid a never-ending onslaught of information and ideas. Let’s be clear: Brand stories are not fairy tales. The handsome prince doesn’t always save the day, and the wicked witch doesn’t always…


Why Consummate Prose?

Any accomplished writer will agree that wordplay must be handled with care. Puns for the sake of puns elicit little more than a groan. Wordplay must work on more than one level. In fact, it must work on any level. It is in this spirit that we came up with “Consummate Prose.” Let’s start with…