Corporate storytelling Leadership

Thought leadership: Beyond the buzzwords

We’ve talked at length about how thought leadership can benefit organizations of all sizes. When developed and executed with care, thought leadership can strengthen company culture, add depth and authority to an enterprise content strategy, and provide a platform for big, innovative ideas. All these considerations aside, thought leadership still has an uphill climb. It’s…

content marketing

Where thought leadership and content marketing intersect

Thought leadership and content marketing are both marketing niches. Thought leadership refers to the contribution of new and innovative ideas to a public and/or industry dialogue. Content marketing is the strategic framework for creating and distributing content. The former is conceptual; the latter is extremely tactical. Because of this distinction, the two niches should not…


What thought leaders can learn from presidents

Thought leaders are made through innovation. However, everyone has role models – people who influenced and inspired them as they cultivated new ideas and brought them to life. In honor of Presidents’ Day, we’re taking a look at US presidents’ communication styles and what we can learn from them. They use emerging media to reach…

Effective communication Leadership

Lead thoughtfully in 2021

New year, new leaf. That’s how it typically goes. But no one can deny that we all have a bit of a 2020 hangover that isn’t likely to go away with a couple of aspirin. The concerns of 2020 are sticking with us, and as such, our business goals can’t ignore that trials of the…

Brand Stories

The story of 2020: Connecting past and future

Crisis breeds opportunity. The year 2020 was evidence of this as brands connected with audiences in unprecedented ways, with new messages and new goals. It was a scramble, for sure. The companies that performed best were the ones that already had a strong identity and the energy and resources to share that identity in novel…

Corporate storytelling Language and ideas Leadership

Speechwriting lessons from FDR

On this day in 1941, Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor in the first direct attack on the United States by an Axis power. The following day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his “date which will live in infamy” speech. Roosevelt had been delivering fireside chats via radio since 1933. His voice was well known to…

Brand growth Leadership

Why thought leadership?

Let’s put aside the idea that the term thought leadership could be perceived as trendy 2020 jargon. Focus instead on how vital it is for brands to differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace. Brand storytelling is one way to do this. Thought leadership is another. Success is no accident Your brand is growing because you…