content marketing

Where thought leadership and content marketing intersect

Thought leadership and content marketing are both marketing niches. Thought leadership refers to the contribution of new and innovative ideas to a public and/or industry dialogue. Content marketing is the strategic framework for creating and distributing content. The former is conceptual; the latter is extremely tactical. Because of this distinction, the two niches should not…

Brand growth

It’s always something: Branding lessons from SNL

Whether you’re a creaky-jointed boomer or a fresh-faced millennial, it’s safe to say that Saturday Night Live has probably made an impression on you. The long-running sketch comedy show has spawned countless careers, franchises, and water-cooler conversations. It runs the gamut of comedy styles, from topical and observational humor to musical satire and prop gags,…

Content creation Effective communication Uncategorized

Tear down those walls between SMEs and writers

The delicate relationship between subject-matter experts (SMEs) and writers is the stuff of legends. SMEs know the subject matter, which is often complex or highly technical, and writers know how to write. Or at least that’s the prevailing narrative. For copywriters and technical writers in corporate settings, SMEs are an important gatekeeper. They can often…

Brand Stories

Storytelling is ours. Innovation doesn’t change that.

Nobody was more surprised than we were by the headline “Why the future of storytelling will be democratized.” The Fast Company article by Joe Berkowitz suggests that effective storytelling hinges on expensive high-tech whizbangs, and the “democratization” comes from Kickstarters and similar grassroots campaigns vs. big-name corporate sponsorship. Certainly, big-time brand and business storytelling does…

Corporate storytelling

What “New Hollywood” Can Teach Business Storytellers

The 1970s gave us some of the most memorable films ever made, including The Godfather, Network, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. These films and many others inspired generations of creativity in fashion, music, and literature. They also offer numerous lessons for today’s brand and business storytellers. Let’s take a look at the characters…