Brand Stories

Small business storytelling: Easy ways to make a major impact

The biggest and most recognizable brands in the world use storytelling to raise brand awareness and build loyalty and trust. It’s often part of a sophisticated content strategy that involves targeting diverse audiences across disparate platforms and channels. This approach often involves big teams and even bigger budgets. But that doesn’t mean that small businesses…

Corporate storytelling Leadership

Thought leadership: Beyond the buzzwords

We’ve talked at length about how thought leadership can benefit organizations of all sizes. When developed and executed with care, thought leadership can strengthen company culture, add depth and authority to an enterprise content strategy, and provide a platform for big, innovative ideas. All these considerations aside, thought leadership still has an uphill climb. It’s…

Brand Stories

Storytelling is ours. Innovation doesn’t change that.

Nobody was more surprised than we were by the headline “Why the future of storytelling will be democratized.” The Fast Company article by Joe Berkowitz suggests that effective storytelling hinges on expensive high-tech whizbangs, and the “democratization” comes from Kickstarters and similar grassroots campaigns vs. big-name corporate sponsorship. Certainly, big-time brand and business storytelling does…

Effective communication Language and ideas Leadership

Lessons from 25 great year-end messages

We’ve discussed at length the challenges of holiday messaging as well as the importance of language when building a brand and a company culture. Today, we take a closer look at end-of-year employee communications. Entrepreneur Keith Miller shared a “top 25” list of year-end messages on the Future of Working website that look straightforward –…

Brand growth Corporate storytelling

Anything but fiction

At Consummate Prose, we use the word “storytelling” a lot to talk about brand development and expression. But don’t be fooled into thinking that these stories somehow involve something fictional, shallow, or fairytale-ish. Storytelling is how we make sense of the world. It uncovers truths that are sometimes difficult to understand, and it conveys them…

Brand Stories

Words matter: Brand language imperatives

As we observe brands in action every day, it’s easy to think “Hey, I could do that” or “What a disaster!” and consider how we might do something differently. But in practice, building a brand and brand language that inspire trust and loyalty takes effort, insight, and patience. This work often collides with mitigating factors…