Brand Stories

Small business storytelling: Easy ways to make a major impact

The biggest and most recognizable brands in the world use storytelling to raise brand awareness and build loyalty and trust. It’s often part of a sophisticated content strategy that involves targeting diverse audiences across disparate platforms and channels. This approach often involves big teams and even bigger budgets. But that doesn’t mean that small businesses…


Till You Get It Right: Lessons from Groundhog Day

The Bill Murray classic Groundhog Day (1993) may have more meaning in 2021 than in years past – in part because we’re all a little trapped, and in part because time has less meaning when your routine is unchanged for months at a stretch. Dig a little deeper, though. Look beyond “I Got You, Babe”…

Content creation Effective communication Leadership

Content strategy in 2021: What “human” means

Countless experts are weighing in on how brands must build a content strategy in this fragile age. They are largely in agreement that brand messaging must be “human” and “empathetic.” This notion shouldn’t be revolutionary, but somehow it is. Perhaps brand gurus are acknowledging that until now, the expression of their brand identity was canned,…

Content creation Language and ideas

7 strategies for defeating writer’s block

Writer’s block is real, and everyone has an opinion about it. Maybe that’s because even respected veteran writers battle it – to say nothing of the junior copywriter facing a deadline and a pissed-off manager. Potential solutions abound. But many of them boil down to personal accountability and initiative, and writer’s block strikes equally among…

Brand Stories

Crises and crossroads: Brand stories that stick

Andrew Carnegie was born into poverty. In 2019, the charitable trust bearing his name awarded more than $150 million in grants. Jean Nidetch was a housewife with a sweet tooth. She founded Weight Watchers (now WW), which made her a millionaire and a celebrity. Apple, Amazon, and Google were launched in their founders’ garages. Walt…

Brand growth Content strategy

Who needs a content strategy?

Startups and other young companies with small teams might view content marketing as a one-two punch: Have a great idea, then publish it, usually on a social media channel. That might work when your operation is small. But what happens when you grow? Adding even one more person to your team or one more priority…

Corporate storytelling Leadership

Who’s your chief executive storyteller?

Your chief executive storyteller should be the person who knows your brand best. He or she is someone who can inspire loyalty among consumers and employees, and can paint vivid portraits of what you do: what, where, why, and for whom. Your chief executive storyteller should be your CEO or founder. Not all company leaders…