Brand growth Leadership

Why thought leadership?

Let’s put aside the idea that the term thought leadership could be perceived as trendy 2020 jargon. Focus instead on how vital it is for brands to differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace. Brand storytelling is one way to do this. Thought leadership is another. Success is no accident Your brand is growing because you…

Corporate storytelling Leadership

Who’s your chief executive storyteller?

Your chief executive storyteller should be the person who knows your brand best. He or she is someone who can inspire loyalty among consumers and employees, and can paint vivid portraits of what you do: what, where, why, and for whom. Your chief executive storyteller should be your CEO or founder. Not all company leaders…

Content creation Effective communication Leadership

Jargon: The weapon that kills big ideas

The effort to communicate effectively is a double-edged sword. We want our peers and clients to share our enthusiasm for our ideas. But we often struggle to find the best way to convey them. Big words and complex concepts might make it seem as though we’re confident, capable, and important. But if people don’t understand…